The MP 85s is the portable overloking lighter and cheaper on the market, suitable for sewing lightweight fabrics, knitted...

The MP 83 is a portable sewing machine best suited to merge coated fabrics and coupled in general, thanks to the dual transport...

The MP 82 is the lightest portable sewing machine in the world, it can sew with chain stitch different types of light and...

The MP 73 guaranteeing lightness, strength and economy, is the most suitable portable sewing machine to merge with chain stitch...
New Metalplast S.r.l.
P. IVA 08535510963
Operating center:
via Antonio Aldini 37
20157 Milano (MI) - Italy
Tel +39 023556335 - +39 023551651
fax +39 023574247
E-mail: info@newmetalplast.com

P. IVA 08535510963
Operating center:
via Antonio Aldini 37
20157 Milano (MI) - Italy
Tel +39 023556335 - +39 023551651
fax +39 023574247
E-mail: info@newmetalplast.com